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Retirement Letter to Coworkers

Leaving an organization can be difficult, especially when it means leaving coworkers you have grown to care for and admire. One way to say goodbye is by writing a retirement letter to your coworkers. There is no one right way to write this type of letter. You can write a separate letter to every coworker or you can send one letter to the group as a whole.

Format and Content:

The retirement letter to coworker’s format begins with your written intention to retire, followed by the date. The content of the remaining paragraphs depend on the quality of the relationship between you and your coworkers. Keep the tone formal and professional if the working relationship lacked aspects of friendship. A less formal tone, and even a little humor, is appropriate if your coworkers are also your friends.


This retirement letter to coworkers sample is from a man who developed close relationships with his coworkers and his manager. The letter is addressed to the group, but the author is careful to include a special tribute to each. He tempers the sadness of the occasion by infusing humor into his personal goodbyes.

Dear Valued Coworkers,

I know you have all heard I decided to retire. My last day of employment with SSA Innovations will be on August 1, 2013. I am looking forward to my new life of leisure, but of course, I am a little saddened by the thought of not seeing all of you every day.

First, I will state the obvious – I will miss you all. Believe me, that is not a trite generalization. Over the years, I have learned something valuable from each of you. Carolyn, thank you for teaching me the art of organization. As turns out, a clean desk does make you more productive. John, because of you I know where to find the best hamburgers in town. Lunches of the future will not be the same without you as my gourmet guide. Lisa, you taught me how to overcome every obstacle with patience, dedication and humor. I will miss seeing walls lined with inspirational cartoons.

Perhaps Larry, I owe the greatest debt of gratitude to you. Because of your management style, I learned to view mistakes as opportunities to grow. You encouraged me to bravely and boldly pursue my ideas. Because of your coaching, I was able to convince upper management of the value of the Alpine project. Now, with great pride, I can take some of the credit for one of the biggest and most successful ventures of the company.

I am leaving the organization, but I am taking your friendship with me. I would like to stay in touch with you, whether it is through Facebook, LinkedIn or a Sunday afternoon barbecue. You all have my cell phone number, (555)-555-5555; please feel free to use it. Call me to say hello, to seek the advice of an older but polished professional or just see if the old ticker is still beating. I will miss you all. Thank you for making my “work” a real pleasure.


Jason Blight

Jason Blight